Monday, April 17, 2006

programming: Perl,Google Calendar and the Ipod

So, I wanted an easy way to update the calendars from my google account to my ipod. Since I don't sync my calendar with software on my ipod, I manually copy the ical files to the calendar folder and that works fine. But in google calendar, that means clicking on each calendar, clicking on a tab, clicking on the ICAL link and saving the file to the ipod. I currently have 2 calendars, so updating my ipod will be a hassle. In comes my favorite superglue programming language, Perl! This script automates the process and with one double click the script downloads and saves my 2 calendars to my ipod.

I am working on an EXE version , I'll update more when I get it done

1 comment:

Radman said...

Yeah, but this is really, really easy with LWP. All you have to know are the links to your ical files and where you want to put them. I wrote a script to do this very same thing.


use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use FileHandle;

# welcome message
print "\n\tTime to get your calendars off of google!\n\n\tMake sure your USB drive is plugged in!!\n\n";

# flush the output buffer

# constants
my $storageHome = "E:/Calendars";
my %addresses = (
MyFirstCal => 'http://...',

# connect to google, get the ical file, save to portable disk
my $fetcher = LWP::UserAgent->new();

foreach my $calendar (keys %addresses) {
my $calLocalFileName = ">".$storageHome."/".$calendar.".ics";
my $calRemoteFileName = $addresses{$calendar};
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $calRemoteFileName);
print "Fetching $calendar from google...";
my $res = $fetcher->request($req);
print "DONE.\n";
if ($res->is_success) {
my $f = new FileHandle $calLocalFileName;
if ($f) {
print "\tSaving $calLocalFileName...";
my $ical = $res->content;
$ical =~ s/\r\n/\n/gs;
print $f $ical;
undef $f;
print "DONE\n";
} else {
print "Do you have your USB drive plugged in?\n";