Saturday, April 29, 2006

getFeeds - An RSS feed downloader for iPod

getFeeds is a small rss reader that parses them items of an RSS feed into seperate files and places them in a named folder in the notes folder of your iPod. You can read them offline from there. Right now it only gets the Title, Link and Description. More data may be added later. I am also planning on adding Atom feed support in upcoming versions.

Download getFeeds

There is a simple .ini file to edit and away you go. There are examples in the file for the Front Page feed of Digg and my Del.Icio.Us feed too. Enjoy, and as always I like to hear your feedback!

Digg This


Anonymous said...

Great idea, but it doesnt always work properly. There are often only the links to the article in the note, but not the real article or text :(

Anonymous said...

indeed, something not quite right there, digg seems to work, but something else doesnt...

Anonymous said...

could you maybe fix it? i'd really like to have sum of my feeds on my nano