Tuesday, October 21, 2008

XNA - I want to hear from you!

I'm a couple weeks into my XNA posting and I've been trying to get a new post out every day (some are arguably better than others) I've got a bunch of ideas still to come, but I would love to hear about what things you are interested in. If you have an area of XNA you would like me to explore in a post, please either take the poll on my sidebar or leave a comment in this post. I will gladly add your ideas to my list. Now of course I may not know about your requested area already, but I am always up for learning something new. Plus I love to hear from all the people around the world who happen to stumble upon my little blog.


Anonymous said...

I'm totally new to xna programming so I'm still getting the basics, but I find your blog a great place to start! I'll come back every day!


Anonymous said...

More easy math articles would be nice. That is something that is not overly abundant on the other XNA blogs. Especially where the math is explained in an easy to understand way.

Unknown said...

Any particular math topic?

Allan Chaney said...

I'm very much enjoying your XNA posts. Your Game Components post was one of the first times I finally understood their point vs. just using a class.

I would very much like to see the implementation of an Isometric tiling map in XNA. There are a few examples of Top Down tiling Map tutorials in XNA but I've not been able to find an Isometric tiling system in XNA. There are some examples in other languages but the complexity makes it very hard to translate into C#.

Another area I find lacking is best practices coding in C# and XNA related to XBOX 360 with a focus on performance and memory use. Given the cap on community game submissions, if you are dreaming of an XNA RPG, you will quickly find yourself up against a wall due to hi res texture memory consumption.

I hope you find some of these ideas worthy.

Allan Chaney